Ik heb een bijlage toegevoegd met een foto van slijm met bruin spul erin. Maak me zelf zorgen dat het misschien opgedroogd bloed is omdat ik een opgezwollen klier heb en lichte druk aan me linker oor en kaak en al een langdurig brokgevoel in me keel. De andere klachten zijn van sinds een paar dagen. Ben 23 en ben een roker, had gelezen dat rokers bruin slijm kunnen hebben. Is het bloed denken jullie?
En wat is er uitgekomen? Heb een beetje dezelfde klachten!
It's a parasite.. The kind that's hard to detect I think it is related to rope worm., you need bactrum antibiotic but good luck getting doctors to prescribe it... They will test you it will come back just build up toxins and recommend a detox... But it will come back because it also lives in your blood.. Home remedies can be used to help rid your self but you do need anti biotics....
Drink baking soda at night for a week and do anal douched enimas with baking soda and apple cider vinegar along with hot soak baths to open porse to release any egg or larva... Or what ever waste it expels in blood or muscle... It smells and causes breath order and can and will infect your whole body and organs including heart.. Causes strokes heart problems lung problems skin infection and burning eyes that are sensitive to light... It weakens your immune system and causes some medications to not work well with body... You need bactrum!!!
It also cause female uterus infections that partner with vagina smell and STI...
It can be air born or infect water.
DOG POOP!!!!!!
Dogs will be a host and transportation for this infestation... Get your dog clean and sanitize your house and yard and furniture clothes and get new filter for heater and cooking vents... And take vitamin drink water and DON'T SHARE A PIPE!!!!
SALAH, How is it called? I have this to, and also the burning eyes but can find anything about it. Would help if you have the correct name. Cause the prescruptions for rope worm is not the same